Birthday Cake Protein Pancakes

Birthday cake pancakes, because you probably don't want to see another pumpkin spice pancake recipe.
My food does not always look perfect but I just had to share. This was actually taken over the summer. I did a lot of experimenting over the summer with protein pancakes and this recipe was one of my favorites. These take no time to prepare and have become a go to post- workout meal for me! If you want to have a birthday party in your mouth every morning then you should definitely give these a try :) This recipe makes 3 medium pancakes or 2 large pancakes.
3 egg whites
1/4 cup low fat cottage cheese
1/2 cup quick oats
1/2 ripe banana
3/4 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 packet Stevia
Mix or blend everything except for the sprinkles and 1/4 scoop protein powder
Spray and heat pan to medium heat and cook cakes 1-2 minutes each side
Add a little bit of water to your leftover protein powder so that it makes an icing consistency
Top pancakes with icing and sprinkles
The entire batch is only 412 calories with 4g Fat, 51g Carbohydrates, and 43g Protein.